Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Make Your Own Mani-Pedi

 I have had so many manicures and pedicures at spas, that just don't seem to turn out great, even for those jaw dropping prices.
 I wanted to try out some new at home treatments, and share them with you.
 Here are some easy, fast and delicious home made spa treatments, that you can make at home to help you save money, and time.
 They are all natural, and can be completely organic! *If you use organic ingredients*

             Divine Hand and Foot Scrub 

 To make:
1/4 cup oatmeal or 1 packet instant oatmeal


 3 TABLEspoons Olive Oil

Massage into feet and/or hands for 3-5 minutes. Rinse well with luke warm water. 

Personal Opinion: I loved this. I did this for a spa day with my baby sister, and we both just adored it. The oatmeal works great for scrubbing and removing the dead skin cells, and the olive oil and paste that the wet oatmeal creates works wonderfully to smooth, and polish your hands and feet. This leaves your hands feeling soft, and looking healthier and shinier.

Second Opinion: "I really liked this one. It feels so wonderful when you are massaging it, and the affects of this lasted for days! Much longer than any professional manicure or pedicure I've gotten!"

            Strawberry Exfoliating Scrub 


4-6 Strawberries (If larger use 4, if smaller or average sized use 6)
3 TABLEspoons Dark Brown Sugar
2 TABLEspoons Olive Oil

To Make:
Mash or puree strawberries. (I took my fingers, and just squished them up really, really well. *Be careful- it's juicy!*)
  Add Olive Oil and Sugar to the bowl. (*Strawberries are high in Alpha Hydroxy acids, which work wonders as an exfoliator! The seeds also work well and help to scrub away dead skin cells*)

Just rub and massage into your feet and hands for many minutes or as long as desired. Don't forget to rinse! 

Personal Opinion: I loved this. It smelled so wonderful, and it works as the perfect polish after you do the oatmeal scrub. It seriously, smells so good! And it leaves your hands and feet with this irresistible scent of strawberries! This works great for exfoliating, and I just loved it!

Second Opinion: "I loved it. It felt kind of cold, tickles and weird when you first apply- but once you start massaging, it feels wonderful! I love the way it smells especially. It smells so good- it makes you want to eat it! I just like the whole product a lot, it made my hands feel wonderful!" -Kaitlyn, Sister & Friend   

Friendly Tips and Advice:
 *This works great if you are planning a unique spa day with you and the girls- it's so much more affordable than going to a spa, and it's fast and easy!
 If you still want the joy of having someone else do this to you, have each other take turns doing it to each other. That leaves lots of time for that meaningful girl talk we all love!* 

I think that the 'Strawberry Exfoliating Scrub' would also work great as a hand or foot soak- but you would need lots of ingredients, so it would get a lot more expensive.

***Caution*** When you apply this, make sure your pets are secure! My Labrador Retriever could not hold himself back from licking the treatments from our toes! Especially the Strawberry one, it drove him crazy! So make sure to keep your pets out of 'smell' when doing this or they will try and eat your hands and feet! 

 Most Importantly: 

Have fun and enjoy yourself! 

Don't forget to finish off with your favorite finger nail polish! 

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