Friday, September 16, 2011

My Favorite Mascara!

This Mascara rocks beyond words! It's the Almay One Coat Dial Up! There really is a different between 1, 2 or 3 coats on the dial. I thought it was all just going to be kind of pointless, but it really does affect your lashes. I think it lets less or more of the actual mascara onto the brush for a thicker or lighter coat. My favorite thing to do is do 2 coats on level 1. Because multiple thing coats is ALWAYS better than one thick coat when it comes to mascara. I love this stuff so much I don't I will EVER switch over to using anything else. 
-It's extremely pigmented, the color is great and holds all day.
-It doesn't run, smudge or smear.
-It dries very fast, but not too fast so you can't apply it before it dries!
-It's pretty affordable and available more everywhere!

10 stars all the way! So hyped about this product! 

 Click on this link to view and/or purchase on

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